SSMJ February 2014


Editorial: Health Care in Times of Crisis

The ongoing conflict in South Sudan has exacerbated the acute health needs of the people in the country. Prior to the events of December 15th, the world’s newest nation struggled with some of the worst health indicators in the world – low immunization rates, high disease morbidity burden, and the world’s worst maternal mortality rate. Now, the ongoing conflict has brought additional complications.

News, Reports and Policy

Contemporary Psychiatry in Africa: A Review of Theory and Practice

This book harnesses the collective wisdom of African Psychiatry and therefore serves as a departure point for ongoing efforts to refine practice in accordance with the best practice and local needs.

Winchester- Yei Hospitals link

This article is an update about the partnership between Yei Civil Hospital (YCH) and the Martha Clinic in Yei, South Sudan with Hampshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (HHFT), in particular the hospital in Winchester.

Obituary: Dr. Thomas Lul

Letter to the Editor

Why the high mortality rate of mothers and babies will not end soon in South Sudan

Clinical Guidance

Helping patients in Uganda overcome weight gain and obesity using motivational interviewing

Obesity is one of the fastest growing health problems in Uganda and across the world and its rising prevalence is placing additional strain on medical resources. At its simplest level obesity is a consequence of unhealthy lifestyles. Preventing its spread in Uganda will rest on the ability of society to motivate individuals to make positive healthy choices in their daily lives and many of the same techniques may be applicable to the situation in South Sudan.

Halitosis – a Review

Halitosis (bad breath) is an oral condition characterized by unpleasant odours from the oral cavity. It is estimated to be the third most frequent reason for people seeking dental care, following tooth decay and periodontal disease [1]. In 90% of cases the causes of halitosis arise in the mouth and caused by deep carious lesions, periodontal diseases, oral infections, peri-implant diseases, pericoronitis, mucosal ulcerations, impacted food or debris, factors causing decreased salivary flow rate and tongue coating [2]. The tongue is a major site of oral malodour [3].

How to make fuel-efficient stoves

Often communities have their own methodology for constructing FES. So the first step is to investigate what local methodology is used to build FES. This will incorporate only locally-available resources and use techniques of which the community is already aware. This methodology is used for the NIPP circle project.

Acute Brain Stem Infarction – A Case Report

A 79 years old lady was admitted with recurrent headaches, a sudden onset of left upper and lower limb weakness and progressive drowsiness. She had a history of hypertension, transient cerebral ischaemic attacks, hypercholesterolaemia and chronic renal disease presumed to be secondary to renovascular disease. She was treated with regular erythropoietin injections in the Renal clinic.


Viral transfusion transmissible infections amongst blood donors in Maridi County Hospital, South Sudan

The Republic of South Sudan gained independence in July 2011 after nearly two decades of civil war. The increase in cross border traffic following independence and the return of displaced nationals, may have unforeseen effects on the health of the population. The pattern of diseases across East Africa is defined by infectious conditions such as malaria and HIV. It has been suggested that the relocation of individuals from hyperendemic countries, such as Uganda, may influence the prevalence rates of these infections in South Sudan.

The Current Crisis in Human Resources for Health in Africa

The current crisis in human resources for health in Africa has reached a serious level in many countries. A complex set of reasons has contributed to this problem, some exogenous, such as the severe economic measures introduced by structural adjustment, which often result in cutbacks in the number of health workers while some endogenous reasons, including misdirected human resource and training policies, weak institutions, and inappropriate structures

Case Reports

Amputation for a puff adder (Bitis arietans) envenomation in a child - 1954

Diaries spanning three decades (1943-1964) have been discovered that tell the story of the life of missionary nurses, doctors and surgeons working at the Lui and Leer Hospitals in South Sudan (then known as Southern Sudan). The medical facility at Leer during this period covered a 300 miles radius serving approximately 60,000 of the Nilotic Western Nuer tribe [1]. It was among these records that the following case description was found.


Quiz for our Readers

Quiz: Lady with fever and hepatomegaly

SSMJ 7.1 - Resources