QUIZ: Unenhanced Brain Computerised Axial Tomographic (CAT) scan quiz
Scan 1
A right-handed 73-year-old case, usually well and living alone, was found on the floor by a friend with dense right sided weakness and dysphasia.
Figure 1 above shows her brain CAT scan on admission to hospital.
- Describe two findings on the CAT scan.
- What is the diagnosis?
- Give a brief outline of the management of this patient in the first 24 hours.
Scan 2
An 89-year-old ex-smoker with a long-standing history of hypertension presented to hospital with left sided weakness of sudden onset and a fall
Figure 2 shows his brain CAT scan on admission to hospital
- Describe the findings on this scan
- What is the diagnosis?
- How do you manage this patient in the first 24 hours?
Answers here.