Editorial: Launching Our New Website

Author(s): Dr David Attwood and Dr James Ayrton

Healthcare evolves. Take myocardial infarcts (MI) for example. Thirty years ago, the management was heparin and 'bed rest'. A trial in 1986 showed that intravenous(IV) streptokinase worked in the treatment of MI. In the mid to late 1990’s angioplasty and stenting was becoming commonplace. In the first decade of the 21st century drug eluting stents were developed. The number of cardiac drugs has grown evolved from a handful in the 1960’s to over a hundred.

As healthcare advances, so too does the Southern Sudan Medical Journal (SSMJ) - previously the Southern Sudan Medical Bulletin. Over the past months we have developed a website specifically to serve and resource clinicians and healthcare workers in Southern Sudan. After much hard work, it is finally here – a website for you which is free to access and relevant to you.

We have deliberately kept away from flashy graphics that will not work on the internet connection speeds in Southern Sudan whilst maintaining a professional design. We hope that the website will allow more healthcare workers to read and enjoy the journal.

From http://www.southernsudanmedicaljournal.com you can access all the archive of the Bulletin/Journal, as well as individual articles. These are separated into ‘News’, ‘Research’ and ‘Clinical Guidance’ to help you find what you need. You can download the individual articles (as well as the full journal) as separate printable PDF files – so you can print out only what you need.

As the SSMJ embraces new change, its aims and objectives remain the same. Our goal has always been and will always be, “to inform, educate and positively influence the development of healthcare services in Southern Sudan”.

We hope you like the changes and the website. We would love to hear from you if you do like the site or have suggestions on how we can make it better.