


CMAM Forum

Calling all nutrition workers in South Sudan – join the new ‘Forum for the Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition (CMAM)’

The CMAM Forum at is an information sharing site which aims to:

  • bring together resources and initiatives (protocols, guidance, reports, research, training, advocacy materials etc.) related to the management of acute malnutrition into one 'home'
  • summarise current thinking on different technical issues relating to CMAM through the development of 'Technical Briefs' and Frequently Asked Questions.

The forum allows you to be in contact directly with others, to share resources, ask for advice, etc.  So the forum is a great way to meet other nutritionists around the world and know who is doing what. At the time of writing the forum had over 450 members in >60 different countries – with 5 in South Sudan. It links to three websites from South Sudan - one is SSMJ and another is the Nutrition Cluster South Sudan Website at

So if you are dealing with acute malnutrition this is an important resource. It is easy to become a member and then you can share relevant resources by emailing [email protected].

**Also remember this WHO nutrition site at much useful information and is often updated**






Guidelines for writing “Case Reports” for the South Sudan Medical Journal

These are now uploaded on the SSMJ website at Please use these to help you write up any interesting case you have seen so we can share it with other readers. Send case reports (and other items for SSMJ) to [email protected]