GBV Educational/Training Resources

Author(s): South Sudan Medical Journal

World Health Organization. Caring for women subjected to violence: a WHO curriculum for training health-care providers, revised edition, 2021 

The revised edition includes 4 new modules three of which are for health managers to assess and strengthen health facility readiness and one module, which is for managers and providers to support prevention of violence against women. The earlier content published in 2019 remains unchanged. The 2021 edition is aimed at creating an enabling health systems environment for health workers to provide quality care to women subjected to violence.

Related tools:

  • Handouts 28 pages (?use handout 1a for back cover if get permission)
  • Resources for exercises 110 pages
  • Slide Deck, 315 pages, PDF, 14 MB (All sessions)

World Health Organization. Addressing violence against women in pre-service health training: integrating content from the Caring for women subjected to violence curriculum, 2022  

This guide is a companion to Caring for women subjected to violence: a WHO curriculum for training health care providers, which consists of 17 training sessions on the health response to violence against women: 13 for health care providers and 4 for health managers. Both publications were produced to support countries’ efforts to strengthen the competencies of health workers or health worker students to provide safe, quality, survivor-centred care for women subjected to violence. It also includes illustrative case studies from select countries that have integrated this content into their health worker curriculum.

This companion document is designed to provide pre-service health training programmes, such as in medical, nursing and midwifery schools, with the knowledge and resources to better prepare their students to care for women subjected to violence. Specifically, it provides guidance to help integrate and adapt sessions from the WHO curriculum into pre-service health worker education programmes, providing guidance on planning, developing and implementing this. Comprehensive, survivor-centred training can enhance the knowledge and improve the attitudes of health practitioners and health worker students and increase their readiness to care for survivors of violence.

World Health Organization. Resource package for strengthening countries’ health systems response to violence against women 2021 

To support and guide countries and partners to strengthen a health systems response to address violence against women, WHO has produced several tools, including:

  • clinical and policy guidelines;
  • implementation handbooks and manuals;
  • training curriculum;
  • evidence-based policy, prevention and intervention strategy packages.

The resource package consolidates these documents to support countries to develop or update their national or subnational guidelines, protocols, standard operating procedures, health provider training materials, and multisectoral action plans to prevent and respond to violence against women.

The resource package is also intended to be used for training and sensitization of policy-makers, advocates, health care providers and managers of services and programmes to address violence against women.