Author(s): South Sudan Doctors' Union

SSDU Position Statement on Low Health Sector Budget Allocation



he South Sudan Doctors' Union (SSDU) is deeply concerned about the low level of budget allocation to the underfunded health sector in South Sudan. The 2023-2024 national budget allocates only 2.1% of the total budget to health, which is far below the recommended level of 15% by the World Health Organization (WHO) and Abuja Declaration by the African Union Heads of State in order to achieve Universal Health Coverage.

The SSDU would like to underscore that the low level of health sector budget allocation has a number of negative consequences for the health of the South Sudanese people. It leads to a shortage of health workers, health facilities, equipment, and medicines, which in turn contributes to high maternal and child mortality rates, as well as the spread of preventable diseases. It means that there are not enough resources to provide basic healthcare services, such as vaccination, malaria prevention, and treatment of common diseases. It also means that there are not enough resources to recruit, train and retain health workers, which leads to a shortage of doctors, nurses, and other healthcare professionals.

The SSDU urges the Executive wing of the South Sudan Government, especially the Presidency and the National Legislature, to increase the budget allocation to the health sector to at least 20% of the total national budget for FY2023-2024. We believe that this is essential to improving the health of the South Sudanese people. The SSDU also urges the government to take ownership of the health of its citizens and demonstrate a commitment to improving health outcomes. This means investing in primary healthcare, strengthening the health system, and ensuring that all South Sudanese have access to quality healthcare.

The SSDU is committed to working with the government to improve the health of the South Sudanese people. We believe that by working together, we can create a healthier future for all South Sudanese.